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Amethyst Crystal Pendulum
Amethyst Crystal Pendulum
Amethyst Crystal Pendulum

Amethyst Crystal Pendulum


Pendulums have been used as divination tools since ancient times. They have been dated back to the Pythian Oracle of Delphi circa 400 BCE. A pendulum can be any object - stone, wood, metal - suspended from a string. I love crystal pendulums for the extra energy emanating from the stone itself. 

Elestial Amethyst is a powerful stone. It carries an especially high vibration - and may assist us in attuning to those higher frequencies of love and enlightenment.

These pendulums feature a Tibetan Quartz crystal on the top. 

*How does a pendulum work?*
Once you receive your new pendulum, find a quiet place and calm your mind. Resting your elbow on a table or stable surface, ask the pendulum to show you “yes”. It may swing in one direction or the other, or spin in a circle. Still the pendulum. Then, ask the pendulum to show you “no”. Make note of both of these responses. 

Some say pendulums can pick up on our most innate wisdom and intuition. Some say they’re direct lines to spirit guides or other higher beings. 

When in need of clarity or insight, refer to your pendulum.

Remember to keep it cleansed! 

Amethyst Crystal Pendulum

Amethyst Crystal Pendulum
